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Friday, May 28, 2010

Find the Mojo

Sometimes, various self-help advice tells you to act the part of what you are trying to achieve, or visualize it, or do something to kind of make what you desire become tangible for you while you try to achieve it.

I have to get tough when I'm booking, seeking out places and knowing I walk in to the situation with a winning hand, and treat people accordingly. Polite, but accordingly. So one day I dressed like a hood trainrobber.

Train Robber Booking

And then I had the gold rimmed aviators/black fedora look. Which is surprisingly handy for keeping things on your head when you have nowhere else to put them. Like an atlas.

Fedora Map Head

Those photos were about 2 weeks apart, I just happened to be wearing the same shirt, I swear. I don't have a lucky booking shirt.

I also acquired a shiny gold cap gun to go with the 2nd look, just for effect. (None of this would have gone over well at my old government job, especially the fake gun, haha).

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