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Saturday, July 7, 2007

Mika Brzezinski Censors the News (thank goodness)

We have here someone actually taking a moral stand against all the schlock that's thrown at us on a daily basis, and oddly it's someone who is employed by the schlock-throwers. Brzezinski is passed the Paris story THREE TIMES by her producers, and she tries to burn it, rips it up, and shreds it. She never reads it.

She's not an E! anchor. She's not re-capping for the American Idol pre-show or whatever. She is a journalist. Her job is to inform people about their world and how events are affecting them. Paris Hilton has no affect on our lives. Maybe one day she will, if she decides to put her fame and fortune to a higher calling...but for now, Paris Hilton walking out of jail does nothing for me. Or you. Or the war or the genocide in Sudan or the flooding in the Midwest.

If all the ABCCNNBCBS anchors would take a little care with what they spend hours and hours shoving down our throats, maybe we'd all be a little more educated and prepared to deal with the world, hm? Thanks, Ms. Brzezinski. I lost fewer brain cells today because of you.

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