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Monday, February 11, 2008

Musical Therapy

"I dressed up for this blog post!!!"

I am learning about being a producer by watching (or I guess actively participating in) Dan producing my EP. Yeah, musical know-how and ProTools skillz are necessary, but as I discovered last week, it's probably about 60% therapy session, too.

See, we did the first 3 tunes with ease, and then it was time for "Blonde on Blue." Which...I like all my songs that are going on this EP (note to artists: like the things you are recording), but this one, affectionately called "BoB", was kind of the kickstart to a newish style of writing for me...and a new tuning...and maybe a new era. Not to sound all dramatic about it, but we do write in eras...or periods...or whatever you want to call them. So anyway, the bottom line is I wanted it to rock. And we had done marvelous things with the first 3, so my inner pessimist was saying, "It's time for a bad week." Which is ludicrous. But you can really psyche yourself out.

So anyway, of course it'll be fine. I'm excited for the next session. And if I am ever producing an album for someone else, I'll know it's not all about reverb and mic cables. Gotta have a safe place to make a good record, I think. Lesson #562!

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