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Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Photographic Friends

(Um, I'm moving this week. I think I mentioned that. So I am using Blogger's fancy new post scheduling. So shockingly...I wrote this post DAYS ago, and then I decided to save it, and age it...like fine wine).

My friend Machelle is one of the biggest music lovers I know and also happens to be a kick butt photographer. Oddly, we met when I worked for the county and not at a show. We bonded over broken fax machines and highlighters but now we hang out at concerts. It's grand!

Machelle was on hand to document the Blue Dog Rescue Benefit last weekend. Check out her photo galleries at her Myspace page and read her blog...it's all good, I say!

Janapo: Dog Whisperer.

Terri and me...while I am still single-handedly holding onto both dogs. Skillz, people.

Machelle was cool because she brought me a veggie burger, and she even brought me WET NAPS because she knew I had touched about 7,452 dogs that day. This is a photo of me being elated about that. Machelle said, "Tell them someone just handed you $100 bill instead." I don't know what's cooler, wet naps or $100.

Ok, $100.

(All three of these photos are copyright 2008 Machelle Dunlop all rights).

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