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Friday, July 18, 2008

EP 1 Cover: More

So last time I showed a little piece of the cover it was just whiteness. Mean, I know...but really. It's white, what can I do? This piece is still white, but lo and behold...there's more. No, it's not symbolic of a hole in the ground or an upside down haybale.

It's a wheel! This is where Emily did an excellent job of fitting in that driving theme in some of the songs...there's a vehicle on the cover. That's one of my favorite parts about this job...I have gotten to see a bunch of really cool parts of Texas and New Mexico over the past two years under the auspices of playing music...really I'm just there to be a tourist, haha. More of a draw than the views are the people and characters in each place (even ghosts!). I think nothing informs my songwriting more at this point than travel...you hear stories told from a different perspective and nothing creates a canvas in my mind like a little open road.

The first draft of the cover kind of went for a car design of the one I am currently driving -- which is small and gets kickbutt gas mileage and can hold a surprising amount in its hatchback. But I asked Em to change it to the kind of vehicle I would LIKE to tour in...that goal has also informed a lot of these past 2 years of work and scheming. A little tribute to the ideas that remain in my head.
