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Thursday, December 4, 2008

Random Searching

It's time for another round of "how people found jpo.com." It's weird, folks. The trending of some things is hysterical. Also, I apologize to the people who really own jpo.com because I am too lazy to type my whole name.


1. The 3rd most popular search term used to get to my site in the past month is "red velvet bingles."

2. Someone searched for "Jesus on my dash". Did they want to know WHO has one on their dash? Were they looking for a Buddy Christ of their own?

Buddy Christ

3. Someone typed "i love jana" - well, good.

4. Someone else typed "who needs a merch girl". Well, lots of people, but not Susan. Job taken.

5. In the past 5 months, about 2000 people from Texas have visited. About 2 from North Dakota have visited. Come on, Fargo...represent.

Unrelated but sorta not:

Urban Dictionary's definition of "merch girl":

cute girl that sells a band's merchandise at a show. but sometimes they are not cute.

Well then.

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