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Sunday, March 22, 2009

SXSW Doneness.

Well that was fun. The festival is over (thought I'm sure there's still plenty going on today because hey, it's the weekend). I took it easier yesterday though still packed in just about everything I wanted to see. The one bust was Rachel Ray's day party...because yes, she hosts a day party during SXSW. I wanted to see what the food would be like at a shindig like that and wondered whether she indeed made it all in 30 minutes or less. But when I got downtown the line was wrapped around the block and had to extend for two more. Popular, she is.

It was then I decided to take in part of the Film Festival at the Alamo Ritz right across the street. Stand in line for 3 hours for a party I might not even like or see a movie in a comfy seat? Right. I ended up at a screening of Luckey which was good but sad but good.

I emerged into the brightness in time to see Melissa Ferrick as part of the Mpress Records showcase. Whoa. As a singer-songwriter girl, of COURSE I had heard of Melissa...but I had never seen her live. She amazed. Her guitar playing was kick butt. He songs were real. I liked that.

Melissa Ferrick at the Hilton

So much that after a trip home and a nap (see, I also felt a cold coming on. Nice of it to hold off for the last day), I joined some friends for Melissa Ferrick's official showcase at the Hilton. And was blown away again. I like it when that happens.

Then we trucked it over to Stubb's to see the Indigo Girls. I had never seen them live either, which is probably a mortal sin in the world of singer-songwriters, though I am certainly familiar with their material. Great show, lots of new tunes from their new record. And who DOESN'T want to sing along on "Closer to Fine"?

Indigo Girls at Stubb's

So that's that. My cold is in full swing. Real life awaits for the time being.

I learned -- or re-learned -- a couple of things this weekend.

1. I love live music. (Duh). To be honest a lot of performing artists get really burned out on seeing other people play, and standing in loud venues, and the fact that it is a "conference" and everything. And there's a difference when you're watching a peer play versus someone you've put on a pedestal as a performing artist. Some people just get over it. I hope I never do. There's too much powerful stuff held in a person on stage with a presence and a message.

2. There's room for everyone if the performance, the music, and the presentation serves the song. Tori Amos walked on stage and kept us all rapt for an hour with a piano. Melissa Ferrick channels an energy with a guitar and her crazy strumming. Lisa Hannigan and Justin Townes Earle channel the same thing but in completely different ways. That's nice to know.

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