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Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The Move '09 Update

Dallas Traffic on a Friday
Home is where your iPhone is?

Erm...so I made the leap of buying some Rubbermaid bins today to put stuff in. I suppose that's start. It is April 8th, so I have about 22 days to get my act together. Except I'll be on the road the next two weekends, so...subtract 6 days or so. That leaves me with about 16 days. I Twittered that I would almost prefer chucking everything over the balcony and being done with it, but that would not be proper.

The good news is I have secured a great room in a great house that is about 3 blocks from the music school here in Austin, and the couple I am renting it from couldn't be cooler. Yay! It's strange how things work out sometimes. Or all the time, in my case. I call it "woowoo."

So when I'm working at Red Leaf my commute time will be about 3 minutes by car...I haven't walked it yet but it's short. And when I'm being a tour monkey I basically live on site. I like to chalk it up to reducing my carbon imprint.

Or something.
