So, being a New Mexico kid -- and formerly a UNM student, I spent many an hour at the famous Frontier Restaurant. They're open 24 hours and are directly across from campus, so it was always the spot for late night studying. Their claim to fame are their buttery cinnamon rolls and their fluffy, pillow-like tortillas. I mean really, those tortillas are like little puffs of heaven.
After the Ralli's show we meandered over there and stood in line, waited for a flashing green light, and bellied up to the order counter. My cousin bought my burrito. I have a nice cousin.
The walls and ceilings at the Frontier are a tourist attraction unto themselves...John Wayne's face appears in some format in just about every room (usually a painting), and the last room (this place is a block long I swear) is plastered in Native American blankets. I'm pretty sure if you poked one of these blankets about 45 years worth of dust would poof out, but they're neat to look at.
It's always a pleasure, Frontier.Labels: newmexico |