i am sitting on the starboard
of your only way
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Jana Pochop
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Monday, May 21, 2007

"I forgot my hairbrush. I will not leave town without a hairbrush."

I am not hardcore. Susan is hardcore. She had a gig in Amarillo on Friday night, whereupon at 2 AM she started driving to Dallas, stopped for a nap along the way, got stuck in traffic on the highway, diverted around "the long way" for an extra two hours, met up with us slackers (who were at the WRONG HOLIDAY INN BECAUSE THERE ARE 52 MILLION OF THEM IN THE DALLAS/FORT WORTH AREA hahaha), got to her Wildflower Festival gig in time, played an hour set, we packed our 2 cars into one car, dropped off my car in Fort Worth, and hit the road and drove BACK TO AMARILLO last night/this morning. After Susan had left Amarillo less than 24 hours before. Dude.

J and I had a good drive up from Austin to the Wildflower Festival. Man were there some wild flowers. We saw at least three Chrysanthemum keggers between the parking lot and the gate, and there was about to be a good old brawl between the tiger lilies and the hydrangeas. We did find time to mooch some wifi at the (wrong) Holiday Inn and film the below video blog. J set up his office on the hood of the car. We (heart) technology.

The set was great, I was a zen master at tailigating Susan through DFW traffic (Mantra: "Change Lanes As One"), and Amarillo was...well, it was far, but not as far as Albuquerque. That's the destination for today. Sweet, sweet chile you are only hours away!

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