Get me on the ROAD.
a) decide to go somewhere b) and get there myself. The trip from Austin to Albuquerque is 12 hours, and it's a great chance to see the Texas hill country fade to West Texas fields and oil well grasshoppers, which fades to New Mexican dirt and tumbleweeds, which then turns into the piney forests of the Rocky Mountains that Albuquerque is tucked behind. Flying is neat, but I'm not so much a fan of the waiting around, the herding, the peanuts, and then fact that someone else gets to drive. Also, they don't sell Bingles at the airport. The Onion writes about Red Velvet Bingles: Remember the urban legend about the ritzy hotel's $500 recipe for Red Velvet Cake, and how one crafty woman risked litigation by publishing the ingredients for everyone to copy? Well, here's the trickle-down: four-for-a-dollar Creme Filled Red Velvet Bingles. The name alone is thoroughly delightful, though the snack itself resembles Twinkies soaked in blood. Scariest-sounding ingredient: "Colored with pigments of annato." Worth the price? Disturbing reddish color aside, these are actually pretty good: moist and sweet, with just the right amount of "creme." Snap them up before the lawsuits ensue. God bless America. |