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Saturday, February 24, 2007

Hello hello. Is this thing on?

Bienvenidos al Blog Nuevo! Well, Website Nuevo, really. Click things, surf around, all that good stuff.

I'm quite excited about this re-design, as (obviously) the main point of this front page is the blog. Basically, it's another excuse for me to spew my thoughts across the internet in hopes that one day, some New York socialite who works for a publishing house will stumble upon my blog (and I do mean "stumble" in that "Sex and the City" stiletto heels sort of way), decide to publish my book (which I am sure I can write in about 2 weeks sitting in a chic-yet-humble coffeehouse somewhere in oh...San Francisco), whereupon my book will be a big success and I can live comfortably off the income for the rest of my life, allowing me to pursue my true interests. Which would be...oh yes, songwriting and gigging and all that good stuff.

I am so totally kidding. Not about the "wanna be a folksinger" part, but mostly about everything else. Where was I?

Oh. So check back here periodically as I will do my best to keep you all updated on a regular basis about happenings in Austin and special discount codes for Harry and David. Sweet.

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Monday, February 12, 2007

upcoming excitement
