i am sitting on the starboard
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Sunday, January 4, 2009

Settling In

$1.32?  Really?
The cheapest gas I have ever purchased. Yeah, I'm young. Las Cruces, NM...

I made it back to Texas just in time to play a gig on Friday night. I started the drive from Albuquerque at 5 AM and didn't stop until I got to Tantra Coffee in San Marcos around 7 PM. The half hour drive up to Austin was probably the worst part just because I did not want to get back in the car, but luckily I played at a place of caffeination. I think I made up a new word.

This new year brings about some immediate changes and the promise of more. The Big One is I have moved up from the title of Merch Girl to more of a tour and business assistant in Camp Susan. I'm excited to be able to work with such a great person whose music I believe in unequivocally. But I'm still probably going to keep the Merch Girl title because it's so darn cute (right, Phil?).

I just finished the first song of 2009 (although it was started back in '08)...we'll see if it sticks and where. I'm making demos in preparation for the next EP...kind of just swapping song orders around and seeing what might work.

Also starting a NEW BLOG project...domain name has been purchased. Now I'm just trying to set it all up. More on that sooner.

Here's the progression of the sunrise from about 6 AM - 7 AM in Southern New Mexico on Friday....

Sunrise in NM 1

Sunrise in NM 2

Sunrise in NM 3

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