I think kerfluffle is a really cool word. I don't know...where to start. Some might notice I've been buried from the internets lately. I come up for air every so often to Twitter or tell people what shoes I'm wearing on my Facebook status, but beyond that I've been a little busy. Not an overwhelmed, freak-out kind of busy. It's actually a nice, steady kind of busy. I'm enjoying handling some booking for someone other than myself a lot. It's hard to ask for money for yourself; it's easy to ask for money for someone you think deserves it (that's not yourself). Weird but true in my camp anyway. A bonus evolving from this booking relationship is that I have opening act duties in places like Oklahoma City, Albuquerque, and Lubbock now. Very excited. Some days I think I have progressed in my folk music grad school studies a lot. Some days I think I haven't at the rate I should. I think the trajectory in the improvement of my performance quality has been good, and I can't obsess over the lameness of my pinky too much, even though I do. Is there a marker of how fast I need to go? I think I'm doing ok. And I wear my monkey slippers for extra super powers. Labels: thoughts |