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Sunday, June 13, 2010

30 Day Tour...Day 1

Susan backstage at Kerrville

All right. Let's see if I can do a blog post a day for 30 days. Don't be sad if I don't, but let's all have a party if I do.


We started the weekend at the Kerrville Folk Festival, where Susan played a kick butt set on the mainstage. And then we slept, and then we drove to Galveston and Susan played with Mark Jungers and Matt Harlan at The Old Quarter Acoustic Cafe. Fun!

Mark Jungers, Matt Harlan, Susan Gibson

Now we are in Houston for a show tonight and then we will hop in the car and drive for 17 hours to Taos. I stayed up until 4 AM and then slept as long as I could to jack up my sleep schedule. We'll see how it goes...

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