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Monday, May 28, 2007

Withdrawal Symptoms

Well, it was a heckuva trip. Eight days, seven performances, many many friends...I can't say enough. Tonight back in Austin it feels a little funny because I don't have the best seat in the house for a Susan Gibson show for the first time in a week. What a priviledge to be able to work with a modern day poet philosopher, to share a bit of my history with her, to expose my hometown to an artist that can claim friends and roots in so many towns. Thanks for the chance, Susan.

We got to sleep after our Socorro gig at about 4:30 AM Sunday...we left Albuquerque at around 11 AM, drove to Amarillo and then to Ft. Worth where my car was resting safely in Susan's friends' driveway (thanks, guys!). We parted ways on I-35, and I did my best to stay awake. A half hour nap in Temple kept my eyes propped open, and a stop at the the Czech Stop (did I mention there's no "r" in Pochop and that the "h" is silent?) at exit 353 for a poppyseed kolache and a Doubleshot provided needed sustenance at 3:30 AM.
What's next? Something will pop up, I'm sure. It won't be long, New Mexico...you're hard to stay away from. Even if you don't represent with the Czech people like you should!

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