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Saturday, August 18, 2007


Today I plan on getting up earlyish and walking over to Central Market, whereupon they will have bins of green chile waiting for me (I am technically posting this Friday night...hence I have not woken up yet in Blog Land? Weird). Then I will bring them home and roast them in my firepit. I mean, oven. I eat these suckers plain and unadorned, but they go well with just about anything besides my morning cereal. Not for lack of trying. Ask my college roommate.

Anyway...I've been thinking about the new record and what it's going to BE. What is this piece of musical expression going to do for the world? Why will it matter that it exists instead of me making perhaps...a pie? Or a sweater? What is the theme?

I don't know what all the songs are about yet because some of them haven't been born, but I decided today, in traffic, listening to NPR, that I want it to be a Moment Album. I want each song to capture a specific place and time and scene and moment. I want you all to be able to breathe that in, without it feeling foreign to you. I want you to have it seem so familiar that it was like you wrote the song, even with all its specificity. I'm not sure how we're going to to do that, but it's nice to have a plan, hm?

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