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Sunday, October 21, 2007

j.Po Thots: Songs are like newborns

jana: thoughtfully perusing the menu of life since the 80's.

I'm not sure when it's cool to take a new kid out for kicks for the first time. I hear they're suceptible to all the germy things floating around in our world, so new parents often keep the kiddos at home for quite some time. Then again there's the thought that the more you expose yourself to, the hardier you'll be because you're used to it. As my mom says, "A little dirt never hurt anyone!"

Same goes for songs. You don't want to screw something up the first time you perform it live, but there's that inevitable difference of putting a new piece out there in public versus the safety of the bedroom wall. I tried out a couple of new things last night at my gig, and the audience seemed to dig them. (Jana's definition of "dig": no one ran screaming in the other direction). I left out a few words, but hey. No one had heard them before so it wasn't a big deal. They weren't sitting there going "um, that was supposed to be 'burn down the FUSE, Jana'." Now that these new ones have been officially broken in, I think they're ready for more outings. Time to get a stroller and maybe some wipes!

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