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Sunday, May 18, 2008

Moving Tracks o' the Week

Last Saturday afternoon I was busy making a couple of mix CDs for packing, to get my box mojo going. Some people might view this as counterproductive, but who wants to pack in silence? I dug around on my hard drive with all my mp3s from college, and mixed a few new things. A partial list of the singles of the week, all recommended if you need new tunes.

- The Weepies - Antarctica. Off their new CD Hideaway...I don't know what it's about but who else has a song with the hook, "Antarctica - my only living relative"? Who? (Bonus: it's streaming down at the bottom of the page on their player! Sweet!)

- John Mayer - Clarity. Everyone cringes a little when they admit they like Mayer, then they move on with their lives and enjoy.

- Jail Burned Down - The Great Divide. For the gospel portion/"hail Mary I found a box that fits" moments.

- American Baby - Dave Matthews. This track is just hip. If I produced a record I'd want to have something on it sound like this.

- Lights of Santa Fe - Eliza Gilkyson. One of the few New Mexico songs I've heard that references specific things but doesn't sound too..."local" if that makes sense.

- Right Hand Man - Joan Osborne. Rock. And. Roll.

- Fifth of July - Eddie From Ohio. I have a gig on July 5th. :)
