Music To Take Away
Do you have The Early Year yet? Do your 5 closest music-phile friends? DO I HAVE A DEAL FOR YOU. (Excitement!) If you feel like sharing the love, I'll send you as many CD-Rs as you want with a hand-picked selection of J-Po songs, including a couple from the new EP The Early Year. You can hand these out to your friends, colleagues, coffeehouse hanger-outers, whoever you think might want to have The Early Year in their life. The Steps: 1. Send me your mailing address. I won't use it for anything but depositing goodness in your mailbox. Send it to janapochop (AT) gmail (DOT) com 2. I'll send you as many CD-R's as you think you can pass out. 3. You pass them out and share the love. That's called the grass roots way to do it, and I like grass, and I like roots. (What?) So let's refresh...come see a show or 3, check out the blog, and give free music to your friends. That's what I call a good day. Labels: thoughts |