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Sunday, June 3, 2007

Oh NOW You Tell Me

Waxing poetic to J on the road to Dallas, probably about how AC is money-sucking.

One thing about Austin...it gets hot. As in...HOTT. As in you walk outside at midnight and it's 85 degrees out and you want a shower. And this is just June.

I moved here in summertime and a couple of things dictated my lifestyle a year ago:

1. No job = poor
2. The commonly passed around wisdom that not using AC saves gas.

I am frugal, and I am stubborn. If you know nothing else about me, know those 2 things. (Oh, and I make good scones but that's not really topic-relevant, is it?) So I drove around Austin last summer with a lot less AC use than I wanted. Rolled down windows can only do so much when your car is about 189 degrees and the outside air is 114...but I was not filling up my tank more than I had to, dangit. Dollahs in the bank were worth more than hydration in the pores...or something.

So now? NOW THEY TELL ME. Thank you, CNN-Money, for your year-late article:

4 Gas-saving Myths

Myths? Whatever could they mean? Oh...they mean that if I am driving on the highway (which is all I do around here, usually)...I CAN USE THE AC. Thanks for the memo. One year late.

At least it's only June and I just read this and I have a good 6 months to roll up the windows and crank the freon. Hallelujah!

Happy Summer, all...

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