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Sunday, September 2, 2007

The Labor List :: Things Are Speeding Up

The homework just keeps piling up, in a good way! Here's what's on my To Do List for the next couple of months:

- start recording the new album...woot!

- write new songs for that new album. One hopes.

- brush up on lead guitar for gigs backing up Amanda Pearcy (one being at Waterloo Icehouse this coming Saturday night...see the calendar for specs).

- get ready for another set of gigs in New Mexico! Hearts and flowers all over.

- Shows in San Antonio and Houston...watch it, Texas. I'm gunnin' for ya.

- Prepping for the Life's A Song Workshop.

- All those usual gigs still happening.

- I'm trying to re-design the website. This could take 3 days or 3 years. Haha. I'm aiming for maybe a month. Ample time for inspiration and execution.

So ideally, I will be laboring on labor day...but in a laid back, end of summer kind of day. Everyone drink a beer in my honor. Or a root beer. Even better.

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