Another Weekend...
The Rites of Spring Festival in Lockhart was fun...I played a set on the main stage and then headed over to my Artist Market buds and played for another couple of hours where they were set up. There was free kettle corn involved so I was pretty much stoked. Today was spent helping to prepare for the Red Leaf School of Music First Anniversary Show -- which, by the way, is NEXT Saturday, April 5th at 5 PM. Go go go. One whole year is great news for a new business! I also spent some time gathering paperwork to copyright a new batch of songs and such. So many forms. So many things to file. I need to get a DBA for a publishing company, too. Psyched. A little task but meaningful to me! I'll let you know what I'm naming my publishing company when I file it, because that means I can't change my mind haha. Tonight it's off to record the last bit for the EP. We wanted to be done with tracking by April 1, and it looks like our deadline is met. Good. |