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Thursday, September 30, 2010

What Are Happening

Decked out.
Makin' every band glow takes coordination.

Time management. Believe it or not, I used to give seminars on this stuff in college. For my job. Now I think I need to take one. See, I now have 4 jobs. This is the stuff of my life, and I feel the need to share it. So while I am incredibly lucky that I decided to give up the 8 - 5 office thing and go at it on my own, "on your own" sometimes means "piece it together."

So things at the music school are good and I am still working there, and Producer Dan has branched off that and formed his own recording studio, which is awesome. So I am splitting my time at the school and the studio.

I am, of course, still booking and tour managing for Susan. This is a great great job and I am thrilled every day that I get to do it, even if close friends maintain the booking end will have me chain-smoking in a unicolor tracksuit and talking like Marge Simpson in 3 years. Booking is not for the faint of heart, and I sometimes get a little antsy and yell at the air, but the thrill of the chase and the subsequent reward of seeing a gig go well for Susan is WORTH IT.

I was perusing the calendar from when I first started booking to now, and I am better. The dates are fuller, they make more sense. There's always a few dates that batter and bruise me until the bitter end, but things resolve. I am ending my 2nd year as a booking agent. Phew.

So anyway, the 3 jobs. I just started this new job division thing last week, and my brain almost exploded. It's not even that I'm working 40 hours for each job - the school and studio only add up to about 20 hours a week, plus the hours booking and traveling. But the diversion of attention when I am in Austin juggling all 3...requires a lot of energy. It requires a lot of energy to focus on one job to do it well, so I imagine trying to focus on 3 is akin to...working at the United Nations. Keeping everybody happy and out of war.

All this to say, my FOURTH job...is figuring out the Jana Pochop music part of it. A good chunk of it is fulfilled by traveling with Susan. I get to play, see the road, meet new people; it's a great way to do it. I recommend it for everyone in my equivalent boat.

Then there's the launching a new record thing that I am not so experienced at yet. The Early Year came out to a little fanfare, based mainly around my blog and my friends and family. For & Against deserves my utmost attention and a huge push, because it does. I imagine this to be a full time job, too...that's why they employ whole record labels to do this stuff.

Then there's the gigging around Austin thing, which I need to do more. Play with some friends, make some walls of sound. This excites me too.

Then there's the find time to write, find time to practice, take some voice lessons. This website needs redesigning. The blog needs to be fixed because Blogger made things weird with subdomains. Yadda. Make money, make connections, keep friends, do good jobs, keep up with my own thing, find an hour or 2 to watch Hulu. It's the stuff of life.

I hope this doesn't come off as a gripe session, because it's not. Like I said above, I have jobs that let me work with very awesome folks. I have the opportunity to put my music into the world. I just want to do it right. That's what's on my mind.
