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Friday, November 30, 2007

The Week

Um. Ok...it's Friday already? I didn't post all week? What did I do? Where was I?

Well. I guess it went fast because I spent a lot of time doing things and very little time sleeping. Wednesday night I met my good buddy Heidi from California at the Continental Club for the James McMurtry show. Heidi had flown in to see the Class of '87 Reunion show at Cheatham Street (and gifted me with a birthday ticket thanksverymuch, Heidi!), and we decided to take in a pre-show show.

The next night was the Reunion show, which was amazing and which I will tell you all about in excruciating detail once I sleep and once Heidi sends me some snaps. Send me some snaps, Heidi. (Wow, I am tired. "Snaps?" What is this, 1988?)

So because of all this, and because we "had us a time" after the show as they say here in Texas (do they? I do)...I have had 2 hours of sleep in the last 24. So I think I'll take care of that. More blogging to come folks. I'm back on the train.

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