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Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Times, they are a'changin

I don't know why there are guitar pedals here, there just are.

Heckuva last week and a half or so. I put in the aforementioned two week notice at my current day job. Four more days at the office and I'm out. I will visit -- spending a year-and-a-half with people makes for some nice friendships. Plus I still visit my boss (aka Life Guru) from UNM when I am in Albuquerque. I get kind of attached sometimes.

This weekend I am so excited to be going up to Crossroads Coffeehouse and Music Co. to hang out (and write!) with my friend Kate and see Robin and Linda Williams perform. R&L are fine musicians and quite the entertainers.

I joined a gym last week -- which, if you knew the horrors of P.E. I had to endure as a grade schooler, you'd be amazed at this turn of events. But this gym has a big dark room full of TVs tuned to various things like CNN and the Lifetime channel. I like that. I can cycle for miles. It makes me feel better.

I also found a new place to live. The one I'm at has gotten too ritzy for me, apparently, because the price keeps going up and up. What excited me most about the new one is that I will have a BEDROOM. (Scream!) It's been studio life for the past 2 years and before that, shared dorms and apartments. This will mark the first time I will have TWO rooms to spread my crap around in. (My mom just said, "Tsk." Trust me, she did). Gotta start boxing things up. Well, maybe I'll wait until next week. Or the week after.

Thus are the things I type on my porch on a Monday night.

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